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Do you Have a Disc Herniation and Spine Surgery Recommended For You?

In this enlightening video, we delve into the complex world of spinal health, particularly focusing on disc herniation and the array of treatments available worldwide. With a plethora of non-surgical remedies available, why is surgery often presented as the primary option? Especially when the truth is that a significant majority of disc herniations do not require surgical intervention at all. We question the necessity of major surgeries like spinal fusions or disc replacements, drawing attention to the emerging minimally invasive technique – full endoscopic spine surgery. Considered by many as the new benchmark for addressing lumbar disc herniation, this method also finds its relevance in treating a variety of other spinal issues including lumbar stenosis and thoracic disc herniations.

Proudly, our day hospital has been at the forefront of this innovation since 2015, allowing patients the convenience of outpatient services and a swift recovery time. For those traveling from afar, not only do we offer world-class medical care, but also an opportunity to explore the city post-procedure. Dive into this video to gain comprehensive insights, and for more such content, make sure to follow our social media channels. Thank you for joining us on this journey of knowledge and discovery. 🎵


Veja o vídeo indicado do momento: https://bio.amato.io/indicado #institutoamato

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